
Postcards with color

Post card (black and white)

For my postcards, I decided to go with four planets, because the letters 'ER', 'JP', 'VN', 'UN'are for Earth, Jupiter, Venus and Uranus. I have applied the gestalt principles of closure and reification.


Color theory examples

Primary Colors
This photography is applied primary colors as the background, the purpose is to out-stand and unify the style of the coat  and color. In addrion, it expressed that the coat's color is very pure. The whole picture is quite bright.

Secondary Colors
This photograph uses the Orange and green color. The dress is very outstanding, Because all the objects are used green color expect the dress, therefore the audiences  let the objects as the background. the picture is just  used secondary colors, so the color still seem very bright. 

Tertiary colors
Each color on this woman's dress is tertiary color, audiences still can feel the contrast color style, even each color has been mixed by three colors.

Analogue colors
As we can see, the focus of this photograph is on the left part, the two walls' color and the woman's dress are the analogical. For another, the color of the sky, trees,  grassland, ground are similar. Therefore this image can be as two parts.

Complimentary colors
In the photo, it just has two color, Orange  color contrasts sharply with blue color.


M.C. Escher illustrations

His artworks have been applied many Gestalt principles,thus Escher's works give audiences a visual effect.  

For this artwork,Escher has applied the reification of Gestalt. As we can see, the black bandage goes around from the bottom to the top, through the trend of bandage makes audience's brain create a dimensional image. In addition, the closure principle also has been used in this image, even though some parts of the portrait are missing, it still is visible. Because audience's brain through the imagination and combine the normalcy in the general life, then audience can draw the conclusion. 

This picture has been used the similarity,proximity, closure, figure and ground. In this image, each animal is similar to other one, that is similarity. Then seeing this work from a distance, it is a group, thus the proximity has been applied. After that, each animal's shapes are create by the other animals', therefore it is closure. Finally, when the audience only see an animal, audience's eyes would make other animal's as the background automatically, the figure and ground principle has been represented.  

This drawing has been applied the reification theory, it makes the drawing seems like someone put a crystal ball in front of the buildings. However, Escher does not draw any ball on there, it just different trend lines.